There just simply has to be a post about the rain! When you haven't seen any fall onto your front porch, or your trees, or your garden, or on your tin roof since October 2010--it is a BIG deal. Now others around us got a lot more, but our measureable inch and a tiny bit more was a gift from God. We had none of the rough stuff that can accompany the liquid gold, either. It fell last night, and the thunder and lightening served only to wake me occasionally so I could give thanks.
There is no dust on the Oklahoma wind today, the trees are dancing because they haven't had a bath in months, and the burn ban has been lifted. Woohoo. (That is another big deal for a farm girl who has been hauling trash into town for months now. Think about this: I've had to keep the trash until my weekly trip to town, pile it all in the trunk of my car, drive with for several miles and then sneak it into some out-of-sight dumpster that techniqually is not for country people to use because country folks have no trash service.) But I digress. The trash thing makes me giddy. It RAINED. And yes, we need so much more at our little farm. But a start is a start, and I am hoping it "primed the pump."
The peacocks are laying again this spring. Lil' Momma has five eggs thus far, so I would guess she is about done. Last year she stopped at six. Her five surviving kids from last year are alternately hanging out watching mom sit still, or running wild around the farm without parental supervision. We are close to getting too many peacocks.
I have several new scents of soap ready: Victorian Rose, Mom's Apple Pie, Sexy Little Things, and Lilac in Bloom.

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