It has been a busy season.
And I am sure everyone is saying the same thing because it is THE season, after all. I want to make sure that I get a list up of the soap varieties I have available now--and I will get to that soon enough. But I also wanted to write a bit about the newest menagerie member here at the farm.
The baby donkey was born last week, and I was so anticipating a little paint foal. The jenny is a standard gray donkey with the white under belly and the jack is a paint, so we were hoping for some type of color on the little newbie. WRONG assumption.
Nature is never predictable.
We got black. Seriously, how can something like happen? Genetics are not my thing, but I would have bet money in Vegas there would be one spot on the foal somewhere. But there you have him, black from top to bottom except for the signature white muzzle. And cute as the dickens.
His hair is as soft as duck down, and his ears have a mind of their own at times because controlling something that big takes a little time to figure out. Mycah thought a good name might be Nestor (like the Christmas story animal--Nestor the long-earred donkey). Keith likes to call him twenty-one...Come on now, you can guess, right? Because he is a "black jack." There's that Vegas connection again.
And me, I've given it some time, wanting his name to come with his personality. I've spent a lot of time with him this week, teaching him that neck rubbing and petting feel really nice. He learns fast, too, because he now acts more like a dog than a donkey. I find myself calling him "Little Man" or "Rowdy" a lot, nothing else comes as natural as those names to me. So the new resident will just have to go with the flow and answer to whatever is thrown at him right now. As long as it comes with a neck rub, I don't see him minding at all.